We’re very proud to introduce to you one of our flagship products – Badge Buddies!
Badge Buddies were created to live in a convention environment. I go to a lot of cons and I like to put pins and stickers on my lanyard and badge holder. We wanted to create something else cool that fans can use to personalize their badges – just clip the Badge Buddy character to your badge, and then clip the lanyard to the Badge Buddy! They were all designed to look like they’re holding your badge or interacting with it in some way.
We’re very excited to announce that the first assortment will be a Marvel blind box set! Some of our favorite characters- old and new- are included in this assortment. I, for one, can’t wait to get a little Doctor Strange on my con badge!
We’ll have more details about this product soon, including other licenses and assortments, as well as a release date. We’ve been working with our partners and factories to make sure the sculpts are accurate and fun, and we can’t wait to for these little guys to make their big debut soon!
Stay tuned!